We Buy Argy-Rousseau From Sellers Across the Country

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Thank you! -Manning Garrett

We Paid $20,000!

Markings Found on G. Argy-Rousseau Art Glass

G. Argy Rousseau Marks



We included a high resolution image of a G. Argy-Rousseau mark just for the sake of completeness.  We personally wouldn’t advise getting too caught up on how something is marked.  The quality of the work is much more important than the style, size, or position of the mark.

As we have mentioned previously, Argy-Rousseau really wasn’t reproduced.  So if you see something marked as G. Argy-Rousseau and the piece looks like other works of his, then there is an extremely high chance that you are dealing with an authentic piece of G. Argy Rousseau.

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