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G. Argy-Rousseau Pendants & Necklaces Value Guide

g-argy-roussea-pendantArgy Rousseau Pendants & Necklaces

Gabriel Argy-Rousseau designed and marketed a large line of pendant necklaces.  The basic design consists of a small round, oval, or square art glass medallion attached with a leather cord and a tassel.  The color of the cord and tassel usually matches the color design of the pendant.  Your average pendant is worth around $1,000.

G. Argy Rousseau pendants are considered to be the least desirable form of his art glass.  Mass-produced is not the correct word, but these were produced in quantities much higher than his vases.  The big problem is that someone who collects art glass probably just doesn’t care too much for necklaces.  A pendant is a huge outlier to any collection of art glass vases.  With that said, pendants are very cool in that you can actually wear them.

Now that we have sufficiently given pendants a hard time, let’s talk about what makes one pendant more valuable than another.    It always helps to have the original tassel and cord.  The people who like pendants are usually looking to find as many different styles of pendants as possible.  Some people want to collect as many birds as possible.  Other collectors will only buy flowers.  To be completely honest, the exact same pendant could sell for $500 one day and $1,500 the next.  Sometimes there just isn’t a rhyme or reason.  A lot of it depends on timing and who is buying that day.

If you would like to know what we think your pendant is worth then please send us a picture of it.  Be sure to include its dimensions.  Email to:


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