We Buy Argy-Rousseau From Sellers Across the Country

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Thank you! -Manning Garrett

We Paid $20,000!

G. Argy-Rousseau Bowls & Boxes Value Guide

Argy Rousseau Boxes and Bowls

We have tried our best to list as many bowls and boxes made by Gabriel Argy-Rousseau as possible.  We currently have 42 in our guide.  Click through on your specific piece to learn more about its correct dimensions, the year it was made, and the reason for why it is collectible and valuable today.  If you don’t see your bowl right away, then check the vases guide.  It might be listed there instead.  There are some items that just aren’t listed on the site at all.  And as always, we buy Argy-Rousseau boxes and bowls.  We are experts in the field and have handled most every type he made.  So just send us an email of what you have and we can price it for you.  Info@ArgyRousseau.com

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Email: Info@ArgyRousseau.com

Phone: 763-360-3608
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